Myk Bidlor

During the Galactic Civil War, Myk Bidlor served as a loyal forensic expert to the Galactic Empire, where he worked on Coruscant until he was recruited by Durga Besadii Tai. Myk and his team examined the corpse of Durga's father and searched for evidence from the murder. During the investigation, Bidlor reported frequently to Durga about the progress. Finally, they found a trace of poison, but they couldn't classify it. Durga urged them to continue.

Later, the researchers traced the poison to the planet Malkii and named the rare toxin X-1. Myk also discovered that X-1 was very expensive and that it should be administered over a long period. Thus Durga still had no clear evidence, and the researchers continued their work after Durga gave Bidlor a large payment in anticipation.

Myk Bidlor is a Tuckerization of Mike Beidler, a Star Wars military tech advisor and continuity editor.


During the Galactic Civil War, Myk Bidlor served as a loyal forensic expert to the Galactic Empire, where he worked on Coruscant until he was recruited by Durga Besadii Tai. Myk and his team examined the corpse of Durga's father and searched for evidence from the murder. During the investigation, Bidlor reported frequently to Durga about the progress. Finally, they found a trace of poison, but they couldn't classify it. Durga urged them to continue.

Later, the researchers traced the poison to the planet Malkii and named the rare toxin X-1. Myk also discovered that X-1 was very expensive and that it should be administered over a long period. Thus Durga still had no clear evidence, and the researchers continued their work after Durga gave Bidlor a large payment in anticipation.

Behind the scenes

Myk Bidlor is a Tuckerization of Mike Beidler, a Star Wars military tech advisor and continuity editor.



