Mumbri Storve

The Mumbri Storve was a seedy cantina situated on a planet located in the Dona Laza sector of the Expansion Region.


During the Thrawn campaign of 9 ABY, the New Republic pilots Wedge Antilles, Derek Klivian and Wes Janson went to the Mumbri Storve just prior to the Battle of Bilbringi. They spent an hour at the cantina in an attempt to drop a hint that the New Republic would be attacking Tangrene instead of Bilbringi. They were successful at first, as they were being followed by a Walrus-faced Aqualish spy. However, they were intercepted on their way out by Aves, a member of Talon Karrde's smuggling organization. Aves and two of his men then neutralized the freelance Imperial spy by knocking him unconscious.

Aves assured Antilles that the Aqualish freelancer would not be making any reports anytime soon for the Imperial Intelligence. As a result, their evening spent spreading disinformation seemed entirely wasted. In order to accomplish their objective anyway, Antilles dropped Aves a hint that the New Republic would be attacking Tangrene in twenty-eight hours, in the possibility that the smuggler would sell the information to the Empire. The Rogue Squadron pilots and the group of smugglers then parted ways, with Aves telling Antilles that any messages left with the night bartender at the Dona Laza tapcafe would reach him.

Following the encounter, Aves and his men left the scene aboard a landspeeder, taking with them the still-unconscious Aqualish spy.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia









