Mosor's Maze

Mosor's Maze was a structure constructed on the Outer Rim Territories desert planet Tatooine. The maze had two entrances, and many dead ends. Located north of the Lars homestead in the Lowland Basin, the maze shared similarities with the Great Maze of Lok, except that it was much smaller, and lacked a central oasis. According to rumor, when a man by the name of Mosor discovered his wife with his best officer, he constructed the maze as as sort of murderous tomb. In enacting his revenge, Mosor was said to have drugged his wife and her lover, entrapped them in the maze, and left them to die exposed to the elements. An explorer by the name of Tinrilo x'Rilsam later traveled to the maze during the time of the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. An avid historian, Tinrilo documented the unusual story about the maze in his .


Mosor's Maze was situated north of the Lars homestead in the Lowland Basin of Tatooine, an Outer Rim Territories desert planet. The maze was constructed out of a sandstone material, and included two entrances marked with archways. By entering one archway, it was possible to follow a correct path through the maze to reach the other; however, many dead ends were spread throughout the maze. The maze was complemented by a third archway, but it was left sealed off. The maze shared similarities with the Great Maze of Lok, except that it was much smaller, and lacked a central oasis.


Mosor's Maze was constructed many years before the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. According to rumor, the maze's architect was a man named Mosor, who built the maze as a monument to his promise of revenge. As the story went, Mosor came home from a war and found his wife with his best officer, named Polen, who had previously been dismissed due to an alleged accident. Enraged, Mosor had the maze built, and on the night of its completion, drugged his wife and her lover on Vasarian brandy, dragging them to the maze in the whispering darkness of the night. He sealed them in thereafter, leaving them to die in the heat of Tatooine's merciless gaze. The walls of the maze had since been brought down, but no corpses were found. This fueled speculation regarding whether the rumors of Mosor's elaborate revenge were true, or if it was simply an unhappy tale told by mothers to scare children away from exploring the maze.

One child, a boy named Tinrilo x'Rilsam, was not deterred by such tales. As a kid, Tinrilo played in the maze, getting lost in it for hours. Many years later, Tinrilo "Adventi" x'Rilsam, by then an old man and a self-proclaimed "Explorer Extraordinaire," returned to Tatooine to pursue his true passion, history. In keeping with this pursuit, Tinrilo maintained a documenting his travels, which included oft forgotten pieces of historical minutiae. One of these historical locales was Mosor's Maze, which he nearly smacked into by happenstance while trying to escape the local wildlife on his speeder, fickle and dangerous bocatts included. He was able to duck into the mouth of the maze and hide while the bocatts passed him by. Luckily for Tinrilo, the trusty maze had been there when he needed it. In his log, Tinrilo recalled his childhood memories of playing in the maze as a kid, and recounted the dark, lurid rumors of its construction. To further rekindle his memory, Tinrilo tested the maze, but unlike in his childhood, he was able to find his way out of the maze easily.

Behind the scenes

Mosor's Maze was a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The maze was one of many unmarked points of interests on the planet Tatooine. Following the release of the Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed expansion pack in 2004, rare data storage unit devices could sometimes be looted from destroyed starfighters. One such data storage item, named "an Explorer's Log (1/8)," contained a detailed backstory for the maze.






