Morrigan Scrolls


By 684 BBY, they had fallen into the hands of Vortga the Hutt, and were stored in his treasure hoard on Pybus. Vortga died hundreds of years later on Nar Shaddaa, but the scrolls remained among his hidden treasures.

To some collectors of antiquities, the scrolls had a monetary value of 5,000 credits. However, those who recognized their true significance could pay 30,000 credits or more.

Behind the scenes

The Morrigan Scrolls are mentioned only in the Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying game sourcebook Lords of Nal Hutta. The scrolls were included as an example of the contents of Vortga the Hutt's treasure cache in the adventure module "The Dead Road," which can be set in any timeframe. The only fixed date given is the date of the construction of Vortga's complex, 684 BBY.


  • Lords of Nal Hutta
