Moon of Kyzring

The moon of Kyzring was a rocky moon rich in carnium, a mineral rich in energy. The Mining Guild undertook mining operations on the moon, carving out large areas of rock. During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance took Rey on a pilot training mission to the moon of Kyzring.

The moon of Kyzring first appeared in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 31, in the story "Squad Goals." The planet the moon orbits resembles Vendaxa as depicted in the Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30 story "Loyalty Test," but it has not been confirmed if it is the same planet or not.

Behind the scenes

The moon of Kyzring first appeared in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 31, in the story "Squad Goals." The planet the moon orbits resembles Vendaxa as depicted in the Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30 story "Loyalty Test," but it has not been confirmed if it is the same planet or not.



