Mol's hideout

Mol's hideout was a stronghold operated by the Falleen bounty hunter Shenda Mol on the Mid Rim planet Numidian Prime. Around 66 BBY, a Jedi strike team traveled to the world to take Mol into custody, with Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, tasked with pursuing her to her hideout. Following Jinn's arrival near the hideout, Mol briefly held him at blaster-point before Dooku arrived and injured the bounty hunter with Force lightning, which allowed the pair to take her into custody.


Mol's hideout was a stronghold on the Mid Rim planet Numidian Prime created by the Falleen bounty hunter Shenda Mol. The hideout was situated in a large, stony valley surrounded by hills of swampy forests. At the valley's center, the stronghold was nestled in a tall, stony hill featuring various rock formations.


Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn pursued Shenda Mol to her hideout.

Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn pursued Shenda Mol to her hideout.

During the Republic Era, Mol established a hideout on Numidian Prime after gaining galaxy-wide notoriety for mass-murdering individuals while hunting her bounties. By around 66 BBY, she and some followers began operating out of the valley stronghold. After discerning Mol's whereabouts, several Jedi were sent to Numidian Prime to bring the bounty hunter and her followers into custody as part of the Numidian Prime strike team.

Upon arrival to the planet, the strike team successfully captured Mol's followers. Two of the team's members—Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn—set out to capture the Falleen herself and headed toward her hideout. Using a scanner to travel to the correct coordinates, Jinn traveled to the stronghold's valley on a speeder bike through Numidian Prime's forests, expecting his Master to track his location. After arriving at the base of the hideout's hill, Mol took the Padawan by surprise and held him at blaster-point. Dooku arrived not long after the pair began conversing and struck the bounty hunter with Force lightning, which allowed the Jedi to take her into custody and depart the valley. The strike team left Numidian Prime, and Mol was imprisoned on the Outer Rim planet Stygeon Prime. Following the strike team's disbandment and the mission's end, Jinn worried about his Master's use of Force lightning on Mol during the Numidian Prime altercation, thinking Dooku might have slipped toward darkness.

Behind the scenes

Mol's hideout was mentioned in a flashback in Master & Apprentice, a novel written by Claudia Gray that was released on April 16, 2019. Prior to the novel's release, the hideout's mention was included in a excerpt for the book released on April 5 of that year.






