Mitth'ras'safis's blood family

The Chiss Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, core name "Thrass," of the Eighth Ruling Family along with his brother, Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet once belonged to a blood family of commoners that was a part of the Chiss Ascendancy.

Following the Battle of Geroon, Thrass warned Thrawn that the Eighth Family would release him to his original family before his actions could damage their standing within the Ruling Families. Ignoring Thrass' warning, Thrawn reminded him that they were both born as commoners and that he could live that way again. He promised his brother that he would do what he could so his actions wouldn't damage Thrass' position within the Eighth Ruling Family.

Mitth'ras'safis's blood family first appeared in the 2006 Star Wars novel Outbound Flight, written by Timothy Zahn.

Behind the scenes

Mitth'ras'safis's blood family first appeared in the 2006 Star Wars novel Outbound Flight, written by Timothy Zahn.



