Mission to the Malaga Cluster

The mission to the Malaga Cluster was a diplomatic mission undertaken in 232 BBY by Jedi Master Avar Kriss, Jedi Knight Nib Assek, and Assek's Padawan Burryaga Agaburry, to the Malaga Cluster to negotiate a trade agreement between the Ayelina and Ludmere. The Jedi involvement meant the trade agreement was signed without incident, after which they returned to the Starlight Beacon space station to discover a diplomatic crisis ongoing due to an assassination attempt against the Skembo Ambassador Ceeril. However, not long after Marshal Kriss' return to Starlight, it was discovered that Ceeril had staged the incident in an attempt to frame two Hassarians, whose species was a rival to his own, and he was placed in detention.


  • Star Wars: Timelines



