Mission to the Kauron asteroid field

The Mission to the Kauron asteroid field was a mission carried on by Luke Skywalker at the beginning of the Caamas Document Crisis, during his search for the clones used by the Cavrilhu Pirates.


During a pirate raid at Iphigin, Luke Skywalker discovered that the Cavrilhu Pirates used clones in their starship. On the planet Wistril, the Jedi captured the smuggler Pinchers and planned to pretend to be his substitute in order to infiltrate their base with his Y60 freighter.

The mission

Luke Skywalker tracked the pirates back to their base in the Kauron asteroid field. Luke successfully infiltrated their base, but was quickly discovered. He resisted the pirates's blasters but was trapped in a zero gravity chamber. While the pirates evacuated the base, Mara Jade in the Starry Ice arrived in the asteroid field. Skywalker escaped the trap and eventually fled the base by plunging in the vacuum of space in a healing trance. He was rescued by Mara Jade shortly before the base self-destructed. R2-D2 also managed to escape, in the X-wing hidden in Luke's freighter. They finally had to fight the orbital defenses disguised as asteroids to go out the asteroid field.


Luke and Mara's reunion was interrupted by the intrusion of a mysterious fighter in the system. Further investigations about it eventually led to the discovery of the Empire of the Hand.






