Mission to the Jedi Temple

A mission was executed by acclaimed bounty hunter Cad Bane, with the assistance of Clawdite Cato Parasitti, on behalf of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious to steal a Jedi holocron from the Jedi Temple.


Cad Bane and Todo 360 attempting to deactivate a laser gate

Cad Bane and Todo 360 attempting to deactivate a laser gate

Cato Parasitti assumed the identity of a Jedi Master Ord Enisence to sneak into the Jedi Archives and provide Bane and Todo 360 with inside information. Meanwhile, the two infiltrated the temple and, following the ventilation system, gained access to the holocron storage room. Parasitti knocked the librarian Jocasta Nu unconscious and assume her identity, but it was by the Padawan Ahsoka Tano. After a brief duel, Tano managed to capture Parasitti. Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker followed Bane and the techno-service droid, but were fooled by Bane, who ordered Todo 360 to split and to head for the communications center, leading the Jedi away from the true target. The bounty hunter successfully managed to steal the Jedi holocron he was looking for and escaped the Jedi Temple, while detonating a bomb hidden inside Todo 360 served as a distraction maneuver.







