Mission to steal Imperial research crates


Starting with the recruitment of the teenage force-sensitive Ezra Bridger into the Spectres rebel cell in 5 BBY, the team went on many missions around the galaxy in order oppose the Galactic Empire and spread an anti-Imperial message. Rumors of Imperial testing of biological weapons in the Kessel Bunker, a laboratory in the Kessel system, spread across the galaxy. Having heard some of the rumors, the Spectres travelled to the lab with the hope to steal a crate in order to inspect the Empire's activity. The crate they decided to pick was a climate-controlled crate with freezing capabilities.

The mission

As the Ghost neared the Kessel Bunker, pilot Hera Syndulla navigated around the debris. As the Ghost took hits from the debris, the astromech droid Chopper was forced to do quick maintenance on the ship. When Hera went to go prepare for the climate-controlled crates in the ship's hangar, she asked Chopper to take over navigation. After Chopper succesfully navigated through the rest of the debris, the crew arrived above the Kessel Bunker. He dropped down from the Ghost and secured a crate before flying back up to the ship. However, the crate was damaged and began to leak mutant bacteria. Chopper sealed the crate with a welding torch before the bacteria became harmful to any of the crew members. Soon after, the Ghost was spotted by Imperial forces. While Hera fixed the Ghosts radar array, Chopper was once again ordered to steer the Ghost. Then, Chopper helped fellow crew member Garazeb Orrelios shoot down the remaining TIE fighters. The engagement however, caused the cargo hold to break, and Chopper was tasked with keeping the freezing crate in.


The freezing crate was then brought to one of Kanan Jarrus' contacts on the planet Felucia.



