Mission to Sorin's Star Destroyer


Following the Battle of Hoth, General Sorin of the Imperial Army was tasked with hunting down the remaining rebels that were left behind on the planet Hoth. One squad managed to fend off Sorin's forces and escape the planet on a shuttle they stole from Sorin. The Rebel squad fled to Haven, a village on the planet Ison, but were tracked by Sorin. Believing the defenseless village to be the rebel stronghold, Sorin prepared to leave Hoth and jump to Ison.

The mission

Finding an Imperial transceiver on the shuttle they stole, the rebels discovered Sorin's preparations to attack Haven. The group returned to Hoth in the stolen shuttle and arrived at Echo Base. The squad operated the still functioning V-150 Planet Defender ion cannon in an attempt to destroy Sorin's Star Destroyer before it leaves for Haven. They successfully hit the Star Destroyer, but it only disabled the shields. With the shields down for a temporary amount of time, the squad quickly boarded their shuttle and flew to the Star Destroyer. They flew into an exposed launch bay, crashing along the hangar floor. Despite successfully boarding the Star Destroyer, the group was too late and the ship jumped to hyperspace.

Behind the scenes

The Mission to Sorin's Star Destroyer first appeared in the Star Wars: Imperial Assault companion app Legends of the Alliance, in the "Return to Hoth" campaign.



