Mission to Orinackra

After General Rom Mohc captured the defector Crix Madine, Madine was imprisoned on Orinackra, leading Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors to rescue him.

Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors arrived on Orinackra in the Moldy Crow, and Katarn battled his way through the detention facility's defenses. Beginning from the higher levels, he descended with an elevator to the command center. From there he ascended again to the higher levels where the high security cells were. Katarn was able to obtain the card key to Madine's holding cell and freed the former Imperial.

Madine slipped back to his homeworld of Corellia, where the Imperials tried capturing him again, requiring Rogue Squadron to provide support.

The Mission to Orinackra first appeared in the 1995 video game, Star Wars: Dark Forces, starring Kyle Katarn.

Behind the scenes

The Mission to Orinackra first appeared in the 1995 video game, Star Wars: Dark Forces, starring Kyle Katarn.







