Mission to Hosnian Prime

Following the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire's Titan Squadron undertook a mission to the planet Hosnian Prime to recover Agent Thorn from an orbital outpost.


Mission briefing to extract Agent Thorn

Mission briefing to extract Agent Thorn

After the Battle of Endor, Captain Terisa Kerrill sent Titan Squadron on a mission to the planet Hosnian Prime to extract Agent Thorn from an orbital outpost as she had vital intelligence on the New Republic's Project Starhawk. Titan's job was to destroy the perimeter defenses before escorting a Lambda-class shuttle with the extraction team on board to the outpost to grab Thorn, and then escort them back out.

The Battle

Titan squadron arrived at Hosnian Prime on three Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers, which dispatched the squadron. Upon arrival, the New Republic warned them that they aren't in Imperial territory, but Titan Squadron ignored them and continued to take out the outer defenses of the platform, starting with the missile turrets. As Titan squadron began to target their shields, the outpost deployed T-65B X-wing starfighters to engage them. Two GR-75 medium transports attempted to flee but were destroyed.

Once the outpost's shield and turbolaser defenses were down, the Lambda shuttle Gladius arrived and docked with the outpost, deploying stormtroopers to extract Thorn. Meanwhile, Titan Squadron fought waves of A-wings and X-wings launched from the surface. As soon as Thorn was extracted, Titan Squadron escorted the shuttle out, but were blocked by a New Republic fleet of CR90 corvettes and EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates. They managed to narrowly escape just as a MC75 Star Cruiser entered to stop their retreat.


Hologram of New Republic convoy

Hologram of New Republic convoy

Although Agent Thorn could not identify the exact location of Project Starhawk, she was able to discover that a New Republic convoy containing engineers was traveling from Hosnian Prime to the project's secret base, through the contested territory of Desevro, concealing themselves in a nearby debris field. Kerrill then planned to stalk and track where the convoy was headed in order to launch a proper strike on the facility and stop the project for good.



