Mission to Garel

During the Galactic Civil War, a mission to Garel was undertaken by Senator Princess Leia Organa when she traveled to the planet Garel with a data-tape holding information on the whereabouts of bases held by the Empire to aide the rebel Spectres group in their fight against the Empire. Slipping past her Imperial escorts, Organa was able to contact Spectres member Sabine Wren and led her to the tape's location. Upon retrieving it, however, the pair were attacked by the droid bounty hunter IG-88, who was also after the data-tape. After a brief skirmish with the droid, Organa escape back to her stormtrooper escort. IG-88 attempted to fight the stormtroopers but was outnumbered, and so the droid retreated. Afterwards, Wren left with the data-tapes while the Empire remained unaware of Organa's rebel allegiances.


During the Galactic Civil War, Princess Leia Organa, a senator within the Galactic Empire, joined the rebel network. Organa's involvement eventually led to her securing information regarding the location of Imperial bases within a data-tape. After making contact with the rebel Spectres cell, Organa agreed to hand over the tapes on the planet Garel in Garel City. Rather than carrying the data-tape with her, Organa instead hid the tape somewhere in the Garel City Spaceport.

The mission

IG-88 attacks Wren and Organa

IG-88 attacks Wren and Organa

While waiting for her rebel contact, Organa traversed the Garel spaceport under the protection of an Imperial stormtrooper escort. While walking through the spaceport, Organa's group were ambushed by a female in Mandalorian armor. The stormtroopers were splattered with paint from a paint bomb and Organa was lassoed and dragged away by the Mandalorian figure, whom the stormtroopers believed to be a bounty hunter. A bay door closed behind Organa, after which the Mandalorian introduced herself as Sabine Wren, a member of the Spectres. The kidnapping was nothing more than a ploy to separate Organa from her escort so that the acquisition of the data-tape could commence. Meanwhile, the stormtroopers used an arc welder to begin cutting through the door, as its controls had been destroyed during the kidnapping.

Organa led Wren to the tape's location, but upon retrieving it the pair was attacked by the droid bounty hunter IG-88, who had apparently taken an interest in the data-tape after following the pair through the spaceport. Wren used another paint bomb to create a distraction, and Organa and Wren escaped back to where the stormtroopers were just finishing cutting through the door. Wren hid, and Organa pointed out IG-88 as her aggressor. The stormtroopers opened fire and forced IG-88 to retreat.

Wren and Organa rendezvoused elsewhere, and Organa handed the data-tape to Wren. After offering words of encouragement to each other, the two parted ways, the mission a success.


IG-88 survived the ordeal and continued working as a bounty hunter. Meanwhile, Organa resumed her role as an Imperial senator until the Imperial Senate's dissolution in 0 BBY, after which her role as a rebel was exposed.

Behind the scenes

The mission served as the main story line of "Bounty of Trouble," an episode of the Star Wars Forces of Destiny mini-series, which aired on July 9, 2017 on YouTube.


  • Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  • Star Wars: Timelines






