Mission to Chinook Station

In 5 ABY, Iden Versio and Del Meeko undertook a mission to Chinook Station on Bespin. Their objective was to find and capture Gideon Hask after learning from Ralsius Paldora that Admiral Garrick Versio's fleet, being overseen by Hask, had been refueling at Chinook for several months, and to shut down the Imperial operation there.

The mission

After landing at the station in T-65 X-wing starfighters Versio and Meeko engaged Imperial forces and then disguised themselves as stormtroopers. Whilst in disguise they headed to infiltrate the Overseer's Tower where Hask was located. Upon arriving at the tower they discovered that Hask had anticipated their arrival and set a trap. They attempted to follow him and exited the tower in time to see Hask's Star Destroyer leaving the station. Alarms across the station were triggered alerting all Imperial forces to their presence. After fighting through Imperial forces, Versio and Meeko were unable to reach their X-wings, and were forced to hijack a cloud car. They used the cloud car to attack Chinook Station's fueling depot, causing a chain reaction which destroyed the fuel and three docked Star Destroyers.




