Mission to Bosthirda (3954 BBY)


Bosthirda and Dromund Kaas, capital of the Sith Empire

Bosthirda and Dromund Kaas, capital of the Sith Empire

In 3954 BBY following several assassination attempts on Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss' life, one involving a serving droid that was created at a plant on Hallion. She sent Sith Lord Scourge and her advisor Sechel on a mission to the planet to discover who purchased the droid. The pair discovered that the droid was purchased by the Bosthirda separatists. After informing Nyriss of this development she sent Scourge, Sechel, her security chief Murtog, and several soldiers to raid a building in Jerunga, the capital city of Bosthirda, which the separatists were using as a base.

The raid

After arriving on Bosthirda the group studied the building looking for any defenses unknown to them. After finding none Scourge climbed the building and used the Force to destroy the roof-mounted cams. Shortly after he ordered Murtog and his team to move in. The complied using flash and stun grenades along with suppressive fire. As the separatists returned fire on Murtog's team, Scourge was attacked by a pair of snipers.

Scourge used his lightsaber to slaughter the first , and then proceeded to pick up the the second by his collar and threw him off the roof. He then entered the building and proceeded to slaughter twenty separatist that were caught offguard by the attack. He just cut off their limbs and decapitated a few, and used the Force and his lightsaber to slaughter the rest. After a few minutes the raid was over as all the separatists were dead and only three or four of Murtog's team died in the battle.




After the raid Sechel was able to slice into the separatists mainframe and discover that Darth Xedrix was working with the separatists. The group later returned to Nyriss with the evidence and Nyriss sent Lord Scourge to eliminate the traitor. After a short and brutal duel Scourge emerged victorious.

Behind the scenes

The raid first appeared in Drew Karpyshyn's novel The Old Republic: Revan which was released on November 15, 2011.






