Mission to Ando Prime

Garza considered this mission to be crucial, and that for fear of Sith spies, she could not inform the Senate of it. Unfortunately, the squad encountered more enemy soldiers than expected and were forced to call for extraction. But before Garza could get a rescue operation going, the Republic Senate discovered the mission and shut it down. The Senators considered this a violation of the Treaty of Coruscant, and they would not allow her to risk re-igniting war with the Empire.

The squad was left stranded in enemy territory with no support, though they managed to return to the Republic. However, the incident left a dark scar on the team, with many of its members believing that they were betrayed by the Galactic Republic. Commander Jek Kardan immediately resigned and his squadmates, under the leadership of Kardan's disciple, Harron Tavus, considered not only resigning, but defecting to the Sith.






