
Misik was a Human male who served the Galactic Empire as a scout trooper. He was a deadly shot and helped develop Imperial speeder bike tactics.

As of 4 ABY, he had been promoted to the rank of corporal, and was part of the Imperial detachment assigned to protect the second Death Star's shield generator bunker situated on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor. Eventually, Misik found himself in pursuit of various Rebel infiltrators on Endor and was killed when his speeder bike was damaged by Luke Skywalker, causing it to crash into an overturned tree.

Imperial career

The Human male Misik was the son of a Tatooine diplomat, and eventually became a member of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps, ultimately becoming a scout trooper. Becoming a corporal by the year 4 ABY, Misik worked closely with Sergeant Barich, a fellow scout trooper, in the development of speeder bike tactics.

Sometime by 4 ABY, Misik and Barich were selected to be a part of the Imperial detachment posted to the Forest Moon of Endor. Their mission was to defend the bunker that housed the shield generator protecting the second Death Star during its construction.

Battle of Endor

Misik battling Luke Skywalker

Misik battling Luke Skywalker

Eventually, the Rebel Alliance learned that a second Death Star was being constructed and dispatched a strike team, led by General Han Solo, to the forest moon with the mission of destroying the shield bunker. It was the Alliance's hope that once the shield generator was sabotaged, a massed Rebel Fleet could then approach and destroy the partially completed Death Star.

During the Rebel infiltration, Misik and his fellow scout troopers stumbled across the Alliance soldiers in the woods surrounding the shield bunker. What ensued was a speeder bike chase between Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Misik, Barich, and a number of other scout troopers. During the pursuit, Misik and another scout found themselves engaged with Skywalker; Misik's partner Drelosyn was eventually killed, and Misik and Skywalker locked their bikes together in an effort to make the other bailout or crash.

Misik moments before his death

Misik moments before his death

Realizing that they were on a collision course with a rapidly approaching tree, Misik broke off while Skywalker jumped from his doomed speeder bike. Hoping to take advantage of the situation, Misik turned his bike around in an attempt to gun down Skywalker with his speeder's blasters. However, Skywalker managed to deflect Misik's bolts with his lightsaber and sliced the steering vane off Misik's bike as the scout trooper flew by. Powerless to save himself, Misik's speeder bike spun uncontrollably, eventually crashing into a nearby tree, killing him.

Personality and traits

Misik hoped for a promotion to the Emperor's Demonstration Team.

Skills and abiltiies

Misik was a deadly shot.


Misik wore Imperial Scout trooper armor, with a helmet. He drove a 74-Z speeder bike and was armed with a scout trooper blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Misik's first appearance was in the 1983 novelization of Return of the Jedi, by James Kahn, just prior to the film's release, in which he is briefly seen during the famous speeder bike chase scene. As stuntmen Dirk Yohan Beer, Peter Diamond, and Frank Henson all claimed the roles of the remaining three pursuing biker scouts, Misik was likely portrayed by stuntman Julius LeFlore, who recalled filming scenes as a biker scout against a bluescreen. He was first identified as Misik on the Star Wars Customizable Card Game card entitled "Corporal Misik."

Some events in the unabridged script for The National Public Radio Dramatization of Return of the Jedi, released in 1996, conflict with those previously established in the film. In the movie for Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's and Misik's speeder bikes entangle, causing Skywalker to jump from his bike before it crashes into an overturned tree stump. However, in the radio dramatization script, Skywalker manages to destroy Misik's partner's speeder, which causes Misik to disappear momentarily. However, he returns on the side of Skywalker, shooting at his speeder, and it is these actions of Misik which force Skywalker to abandon his speeder.

Furthermore, there is a contradiction between the film and the 2003 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike. In the film, Luke Skywalker manages to strike Misik's speeder bike with his lightsaber with one shot; however in Rebel Strike, Skywalker can miss his speeder bike, in which case Misik eventually comes around for another pass so Skywalker can hit him. This will repeat until Skywalker's slash is successful.
















