Milvayne Tagge Corporation warehouse

A warehouse used by the Tagge Corporation was located on the Inner Rim planet Milvayne. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, a group of pirates broke into the facility and stole a prototype battle droid. When they met with their buyer, the stolen droid—which Scourge infection had corrupted—killed them all.

Word of the droid's action reached Lady Domina Tagge—the company's leader—and she had the warehouse secured. She then sent the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra and the sniper Just Lucky to determine whether more prototype droids stored at another Tagge facility had the same issue.


A warehouse was located on the Inner Rim planet Milvayne. It was used by the Tagge Corporation and stored at least one prototype battle droid designed by the head of the company—Lady Domina Tagge. By the time between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the facility was old.


The pirates and buyer (right) were all killed by the prototype battle droid the pirates had stolen from the Milvayne warehouse.

The pirates and buyer (right) were all killed by the prototype battle droid the pirates had stolen from the Milvayne warehouse.

By 19 BBY, as a child, Domina Tagge designed a prototype battle droid for her parentsKillian and Sanya Tagge—heads of Tagge Corporation. After they failed to secure a battle droid contract for the Separatists, at least one of the droids had its power cells removed and was stored in the company warehouse on Milvayne. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, the warehouse was broken into by a group of pirates who stole a prototype, which they planned to sell to a buyer on the Smuggler's Moon Nar Shaddaa. When the buyer arrived to complete the sale, the pirates and the buyer were killed by the droid, which had been corrupted by the Scourge infection of droids across the galaxy, meaning it could operate despite not having its power source.

Domina—who was now the company's leader—learned of the incident and had the Milvayne warehouse secured. She also had the droid brought to her flagship—the Acquisitor—where she hoped to discover the cause of the droid's malfunction. Unable to determine how it had happened, Tagge sent the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra and the sniper Just Lucky to investigate whether the droids at another warehouse on the astronomical object Havel Prime had the same issue. Eventually, Aphra and Lucky concluded that the droids had been running off reserve power and returned to Tagge to report their findings. Shortly after, the corporation leader was attacked by two scourged KX-series security droids, which she destroyed. Tagge then noted that their behavior had replicated the same malfunction as the stolen battle droid from the Milvayne warehouse.

Behind the scenes

The warehouse was first mentioned in the thirty-fifth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics on August 23, 2023.






