Mika Grey's ship

The archaeologist Mika Grey owned a ship. In 34 ABY, Grey used the ship to travel to the Outer Rim planet Ashas Ree in search of a Sith relic. Two days after she was trapped inside a Sith temple, Grey was rescued by a group of individuals. After they exited the temple, the group witnessed an explosion; Grey's ship had been destroyed by the First Order, who had tracked her to the planet. After they defeated the First Order forces, Grey, without a ship, accompanied the group back to the supertanker fuel depot Colossus.


The human female Mika Grey (pictured) utilized the ship to travel to Ashas Ree.

The human female Mika Grey (pictured) utilized the ship to travel to Ashas Ree.

In 34 ABY, the human female archaeologist Mika Grey piloted the ship to the Outer Rim planet Ashas Ree in search of a Sith relic for which she had spent two years searching. When she arrived on Ashas Ree, she landed her ship on the outskirts of an outpost and made her way into a Temple of the Force built over a Sith temple. After Grey raised the Sith temple and broke inside it, she became trapped. Two days later, Grey was rescued by a group of individuals consisting of the human siblings Kel and Eila, the Resistance member Kazuda Xiono, and the astromech droid CB-23.

Once they left the temple, the group discovered that their companions, the pilots Freya Fenris and Torra Doza, had been captured by First Order Raiders, stormtroopers who sought out Sith artifacts for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and who had also tracked Grey from the astronomical object Vargos 9. Grey suggested to her rescuers that they accompany her to her ship, though Xiono was unsure how that would be useful to their friends held captive. Xiono then added that Grey would be lucky if the First Order had not discovered her ship.

Following Xiono's remark, they witnessed an explosion; the archaeologist's ship had indeed been found and destroyed by the First Order, forcing the group to devise a new plan. They then noticed that Grey had disappeared. After the Raiders captured the group, Grey revealed herself and activated the Sith relic, which resulted in the troopers' deaths. With the troopers dead, Grey lamented that she would not be able to leave the planet as her ship had been destroyed. Eila, Doza, and Xiono invited Grey to accompany them back to the supertanker fuel depot Colossus upon which they resided. Grey accepted the offer, and they left for the Colossus.

Behind the scenes

Mika Grey's ship was first mentioned in "The Relic Raiders," the seventh episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on November 17, 2019.



