Meetra Surik Crystal

The Meetra Surik Crystal was a naturally-formed crystal that had forged a bond with the Jedi Meetra Surik, resonating with her and her relationship with the Force. As a result, the crystal acquired its character from Surik and had the ability to augment her powers.

In the wake of the Jedi Civil War, Surik, who was exiled from the Jedi Order due to her participation in the Mandalorian Wars, found the crystal formation within a Force-sensitive crystal cave located on the Outer Rim world of Dantooine during her search for Jedi Master Vrook Lamar. The use of the crystal as a lightsaber focus ensured that the weapon could only be used by Surik as well as enhancing the other components and subsidiary crystals found in the lightsaber.


The Meetra Surik Crystal was part of a natural crystal formation in the Crystal Cave on the Outer Rim planet Dantooine. It absorbed excess energy from beings who were attuned to the Force. Upon discovery by the Jedi Meetra Surik, the crystal formed a bond with her, and as such, acquired its character and strength from Surik's own relationship with the Force. In turn, the crystal was capable of augmenting Surik's own powers and physical finesse. The crystal formation was glowing green on the cave floor.

After Surik had picked the crystal from the cave, it was light-to-white in color and, as Surik matured in the Force, the depth of the crystal's power manifested itself by turning the glow of the crystal from translucent to a near-blinding, radiating light. The use of the crystal as a lightsaber focus enhanced the potency of the other components and subsidiary crystals used in the lightsaber's construction, as well as ensuring that the weapon could only be used by Surik.


The crystal's light side appearance

The crystal's light side appearance

In the year 3951 BBY, in the end of the Dark Wars, Meetra Surik—exiled from the Jedi Order for defying the Council's wishes during the Mandalorian Wars—and her companions arrived on Dantooine in search of Jedi Master Vrook Lamar. During her visit for information to Khoonda, the seat of the Dantooine government, she was informed by Zherron, the captain of the Khoonda Militia, of a problem concerning attacks from the insectoid kinrath on local settlers. Surik offered to eliminate the kinrath hive that Zherron believed to be located in a cave in the nearby Khoonda plains.

Surik and two of her companions arrived at the crystal cave, and the group fought their way through the kinrath hive in the tunnels to the last cavern, the location of the nest. After Surik defeated the kinrath matriarch and her hatchlings, Kreia, one of her companions and informal Jedi Master, informed her that the cavern was a Force-sensitive location in which crystals absorbed and reflected Force energy. As Surik searched for Force-infused crystals to harvest for eventual placement in a lightsaber, she came upon the glowing crystal formation in which she found the crystal that bound itself to her, a rare phenomenon, according to Kreia. Throughout the duration of the journey, as Surik's connection to the Force developed and deepened, Kreia assisted Surik in refocusing the crystal's properties to reflect Surik's burgeoning relationship with the Force.

Behind the scenes

The crystal's dark side appearance

The crystal's dark side appearance

Meetra Surik crystal was created for Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. In the game, the Jedi Exile's name is chosen by the player, and the crystal gains the name accordingly. In the 2011 novel The Old Republic: Revan, the name of the Jedi Exile was confirmed to be Meetra Surik.

During gameplay, the player character has the choice to follow either the light side or dark side path during quests, and this may result in a shift in the Force alignment of the character. The characteristics of the Meetra Surik crystal will reflect these changes in alignment, as well. Depending on the player character's alignment, the crystal may have a color of light-to-white, gray, or, dark-to-black as well as the brightness changing between blinding, intense, brilliant, dim, or opaque. Furthermore, there will be changes in the bonuses applied to the player's charisma, dexterity, and strength, in addition to the amount of damage dealt to an opponent. In total, there are forty-seven variations of the crystal for color, abilities, and glow available to the player, but only one variation will be in use at any given time.




