Mayor of Sernpidal City

The Mayor of Sernpidal City was the elderly Human male mayor of Sernpidal City in 25 ABY. When Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Anakin Solo arrived on Sernpidal in the Mission to Sernpidal, he met them and informed them of the situation as Sernpidal's moon Dobido was slowly pulled into the planet by an unknown power.

He accompanied Anakin Solo in his attempt to locate the source of the gravitic pull on Dobido. When the dovin basal was found to be pulling Dobido into the world, the Mayor jumped down the hole with a thermal detonator, killing both the creature and himself. Even though Solo had warned him that destroying the dovin basal would come too late to save the planet, he insisted, saying that he wanted to make sure the creature couldn't possibly escape the destruction of the world. Solo considered it a noble sacrifice.






