
Maya, a native from Alderaan, worked for the Alderaanian Security for a few months after the end of the Clone Wars. Following the declaration of the New Order, she was sent, along with Sirona Okeefe on a mission to Brentaal IV aboard the Banshee. On Sel Zonn Station in orbit above Brentaal, Maya encountered Imperial resistance and was badly wounded during a skirmish. She asked a group of spacers to fight off the Imperials pursuing her. Maya further convinced the spacers to help her retrieve Organa's cargo - an Alderaanian Security agent frozen in carbonite.

The spacers that assisted Maya are actually roleplayer-controlled characters in The Traitor's Gambit, the first adventure in the Dawn of Defiance campaign, produced by Wizards of the Coast to supplement the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Saga Edition. The roleplayers can successfully complete Maya's mission even if she dies during the skirmish, meaning that her canonical fate is unknown.


Maya, a native from Alderaan, worked for the Alderaanian Security for a few months after the end of the Clone Wars. Following the declaration of the New Order, she was sent, along with Sirona Okeefe on a mission to Brentaal IV aboard the Banshee. On Sel Zonn Station in orbit above Brentaal, Maya encountered Imperial resistance and was badly wounded during a skirmish. She asked a group of spacers to fight off the Imperials pursuing her. Maya further convinced the spacers to help her retrieve Organa's cargo - an Alderaanian Security agent frozen in carbonite.

Behind the scenes

The spacers that assisted Maya are actually roleplayer-controlled characters in The Traitor's Gambit, the first adventure in the Dawn of Defiance campaign, produced by Wizards of the Coast to supplement the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Saga Edition. The roleplayers can successfully complete Maya's mission even if she dies during the skirmish, meaning that her canonical fate is unknown.



