
Marwigo was a red- and white-plated WA-7 waitress droid who was employed by Plop Dribble's on the planet Stobar. She was present in the restaurant in 20 BBY when the former Nightbrother Savage Opress came in and began acting violently with the eatery's staff. The chef, Loubo, had Marwigo call the authorities for help.


Marwigo behind the counter at Plop Dribble's

Marwigo behind the counter at Plop Dribble's

Marwigo was a WA-7 waitress droid who was employed at Plop Dribble's, a restaurant on the planet Stobar. In 20 BBY, the former Nightbrother Savage Opress entered the diner and began causing mayhem. The service droid accidentally knocked over a customer while rolling quickly to safety behind the counter just as Opress began choking Marwigo's coworker, Sassi.

The crowd clamored, trying to escape; Opress forcibly threw Sassi at the eatery's chef, Loubo, who instructed Marwigo to call in the authorities as Opress ran out. The droid complied, with her yellow eyes blinking as a sign of contacting. Later, once Sassi had gotten up, Marwigo tried to comfort her.


Marwigo had red-and-white plating and feminine programming. A direct line to the nearest police station had been added to Marwigo's transmitter due to the roughness of Plop Dribble's customers. She stood 1.7 meters tall, and an illuminated name tag on her torso gave her name in Aurebesh. As a WA-7, Marwigo had a memory unit that had a file on each of her customers, allowing her to remember faces, usual orders, and personal details.

Behind the scenes

A deleted scene of Marwigo attempting to serve Savage Opress

A deleted scene of Marwigo attempting to serve Savage Opress

Marwigo was created for "Brothers," the twenty-first episode in the fourth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series, which first aired on March 9, 2012. A conceptual design for the droid dated to December 1, 2010 was created by Polina Hristova.

In the initial version of the episode, Marwigo is responsible for taking Opress's order, but has little success. After Opress's angry outburst, Sassi elbows Marwigo out of the way and attempts to take over, ultimately angering Opress into becoming violent. This scene was completed but ultimately deleted, although it was included in season four's Blu-Ray release. Despite the fact that Marwigo's dialogue was cut, the credits of the episode still listed her voice actress: Ashley Eckstein, who also voiced the Jedi Ahsoka Tano in the series.




