

After Hondo left Florrum with his best forger drunk on his ship, he arrived on Balmorra to meet the Marquess. She negotiated a 30% cut of the fake auction revenue, and Hondo agreed to this. The first auction took place above the casino floor on Zirtran's Anchor, one of the most secure rooms in the Phosphura Belt. Three criminal organizations attended: the Rang Clan, the Xrexus Cartel, and the Novabarrel Distillery (a company of the Hutts). The Marquess played the role of a security guard. Unfortunately for the three, the Rang brought a document expert and chaos soon erupted. The Marquess pressed a button that flashed every screen white at once, which no one except the crew had prepared for. The three bolted to the turbolift, but the Xrexus Cartel had brought a droideka, and Hondo closed the doors the second he got in them, leaving her to die.

Behind the scenes

The Marquess was first mentioned in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide
