Mark VII "Inquisitor" Series Seeker Droid


The Mark VII Inquisitors were small and spherical seekers manufactured by Arakyd Industries. The seeker floated through the air, powered by a small repulsorlift generator that gave it a top speed of forty kilometers an hour and a flight ceiling of fifty meters.

The Mark VII was equipped with an Arakyd BXT-4 central processing computer, paired with an AA-1 VerboBrain. The VerboBrain allowed the seeker to understand fifty thousand languages, which its vocabulator could replicate, including organic languages and the electronic droid languages. The Mark VII possessed a high level of artificial intelligence.

A sophisticated sensor suite was installed in the Mark VII; four photoreceptors were spaced evenly around the lower hemisphere, giving the seeker three-hundred-and-sixty degree vision. Integrated electrobinoculars allowed the Mark VII to zoom in on objects up to two hundred meters distant. Directional audio sensors could hear in frequencies both above and below the limits of Human hearing, and could record any conversation within a hundred meters of the seeker. An internal communications transceiver could monitor all local comlink frequencies. Heat sensors with infrared scopes were used to track heat sources and locate footprints. The Mark VII also made use of a genetic sampler that could take samples of hair, blood, and skin. These samples would be compared to internal records to determine their source.

The seeker was also fitted with a data probe that allowed the Mark VII to interface with other systems, such as computers, security systems, and communications equipment. The seeker would then be able to review and download relevant information and files. One of the Mark VII's preferred tactic was to override droid controls and compel them to share their information.

The Mark VII had a variety of mission profiles, including capture, interrogation, or elimination. While tracking its target, the Mark VII preferred to stay out sight, recording conversations as evidence and working to confirm the identity of the target. Once the target's identity was confirmed, the seeker would carry out its assigned task. If the mission was to eliminate the target, it would engage with weapons; in the case of capture or interrogation, the Mark VII would force its prey to a safe location at gunpoint.

To complete this goal, the Mark VII was equipped with a targeting computer, and armed with two blasters that were as powerful as a standard blaster rifle. The blasters could kill or stun, and had a maximum range of fifty meters, with an optimal range of twenty-five. The seeker's power cells held enough energy to fire one hundred shots.


Mark VII Inquisitors were used extensively by the Galactic Empire. Although they were eventually outlawed by the New Republic, criminal organizations and Imperial-sympathizer governments still used continued to use them.


  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
  • Arms & Equipment Guide
  • Threats of the Galaxy
  • Galaxy of Intrigue









