Marfa Thorbin

Born on Alderaan, Marfa Thorbin attended an off-world university, studying to become an aquatic xenologist with the intention of exploring oceanic planets. While at university, she met and fell in love with Kane Griggs. After several years they agreed to become married, and she went home to inform her parents. While there, she and her family were killed in the destruction of Alderaan by the Empire's Death Star.


Born on Alderaan, Marfa Thorbin attended an off-world university, studying to become an aquatic xenologist with the intention of exploring oceanic planets. While at university, she met and fell in love with Kane Griggs. After several years they agreed to become married, and she went home to inform her parents. While there, she and her family were killed in the destruction of Alderaan by the Empire's Death Star.


  • Dark Empire Sourcebook
