Marauder-class Assault Corvette

General characteristics

The Marauder-class Assault Corvette was a warship that cost 3,000,000 credits. It was relatively sparse for the crew complements, crewed by 177 officers, pilots, and enlisted, which could cause stress on extended voyages. The craft also could carry 80 troops. It featured a Class 2 hyperdrive without a backup, and was equipped with a navicomputer and medium range sensor systems, and carried 3 months of consumables.


The class was armed with a total of eight double-barreled light turbolasers, four of them fore-mounted, along with three tractor beams. Additionally, it could carry a squadron of twelve starfighters and two shuttles.


The Marauder corvette could be described as a pocket warship, and served in a fast escort and patrol role. It featured good maneuverability.


Republic Sienar Systems designed the vessel for sale to the Republic Navy, but the Galactic Republic decided against it. The Corporate Sector Authority then bought the rights to produce it. The class became a tried-and-true design, and during the time of the Imperial Era, it was in service in planetary governments and law enforcement agencies, mercenary groups, private security firms, and criminal gangs throughout the Outer Rim Territories.

An Alliance spacer with connections to the UnderWorld learned that a CSA Marauder wanted to defect to the Alliance. However, the plan is a ruse, with the CSA working with the Galactic Empire. It is carrying a tracking beacon, and joins in the fight between the Empire and a Rebel fleet.

A mercenary crew of a Marauder arrives at a homestead where a group of spacers frequented, and start treating them as servants. The spacers had to then drive out the crew.

Behind the scenes

The Marauder-class Assault Corvette was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in the roleplaying game supplement Starships and Speeders published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2020. Its entry also included RPG adventure ideas. The class originated in Star Wars Legends in the novel Han Solo at Stars' End.

