Makin Marec

Makin Marec was a Human male Mandalorian, who came into contact with the bounty hunter Ailyn Vel some time prior to the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy. While Vel had initially been interested in Mandalorians only in an effort to better understand and hunt her estranged father, Boba Fett, Marec and Vel eventually entered into a relationship, married, and conceived a daughter together whom they named Mirta. Marec's relationship with Vel ultimately came to an end, though he continued to care for his daughter. Spending two summers on the planet Null with Mirta, Marec taught his daughter everything he could, including lessons on Mandalorian culture and how to speak the Mando'a language during their time together. He later perished aboard a starship during a hull breach, leaving Mirta to mourn the loss of her father.


A Human male, Makin Marec was a Mandalorian soldier. Some time after the fall of the Galactic Empire, Marec met the bounty hunter Ailyn Vel. In an effort to better understand and hunt her estranged father, Boba Fett, Vel had taken to spending time among Mandalorians, eventually coming into contact with Marec. Marec and Vel began a relationship, and later married, even coming to conceive a daughter together whom they named Mirta. However, Vel and Marec's relationship was not to last, and the two later divorced.

As she grew, Mirta came to regard Marec as "Papa," and spent two summers with her father on the planet Null, a world in the galaxy's Mid Rim. There, Marec taught Mirta everything he could during their time together, instructing her on her Mandalorian heritage and the culture she had a connection to. Marec eventually died aboard a starship, during an unfortunate hull breach, leaving Mirta to mourn the loss of one of her parents. Years later, Mirta recalled her father and his influence on her life during a number of brief conversations with her maternal grandfather, Boba Fett, following a reconciliation between the estranged family members. Fett credited Makin Marec with Mirta's decision to grow up Mandalorian.

Behind the scenes

First given a nameless mention in the novel Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, written by author Karen Traviss and published in 2006, Makin Marec was later named and further detailed in Traviss' 2007 second entry into the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel series, entitled Sacrifice. Marec was later indirectly mentioned in Traviss' subsequent novel, Revelation, and given an informational entry in the 2008 reference book, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia









