
Maia was a female human who was the goddaughter of Lux Bonteri. Maia became a member of Saw Gerrera's Partisans at the Wrea outpost and eventually died during a mission to Inusagi.

Life with the Partisans

A human female, Maia was the goddaughter of Lux Bonteri. Bonteri told tales of the Onderonian freedom fighter Saw Gerrera, causing Maia to regard him as a legendary hero. By 7 BBY, Maia served under Gerrera as a member of his Partisans, staying with a group of fighters at Gerrera's outpost on the planet Wrea. She would eventually win a pair of synthskin gloves off her fellow partisan Codo, and henceforth wore them constantly. Maia was an excellent shot and was looked up to by the young girl Jyn Erso. As Erso's skills developed, Maia considered her a good shot as well, an opinion that Gerrera valued.

Maia came to learn that her fellow partisan Staven's family was saved by Gerrera's supply runs past Imperial blockades. At one point, Maia and Codo were sent on a mission by Gerrera. Some time after, Gerrera tasked Erso with her first solo mission to Horuz, confident she could handle it in part due to Maia's testimony to her skill.


In 6 BBY, Maia traveled with Gerrera and Erso to the Mid Rim planet of Inusagi, with the purpose of murdering the incumbent Imperial governor, Cor Tophervin, who had been appointed following Inusagi's forced assimilation into the Empire. While Erso was not aware of the mission's intent, she forged several fraudulent party invitations that would allow Maia, Gerrera, and members of Arane's partisans entry into the Inusagi chieftess's palace.

En route to Inusagi, Maia changed into typical Inusagian robes that concealed weapons for the mission. Once they arrived at the Inusagian spaceport, the trio split up, with Maia waiting at the ship for Erso and Gerrera to travel to the palace before taking the zip port herself. Inside, Maia and nine other fighters armed themselves with FC-1 flechette launchers and laid waste to the crowd that had gathered inside the ballroom, killing Tophervin, the chieftess, and many other Imperials and Inusagians alike.

As the partisans fled the scene, Maia was confronted by a stormtrooper. When the trooper tried to stop her, Maia's robes were ripped away, exposing her hidden armory. After a brief fight, the stormtrooper shot and killed Maia with a blaster, with Erso witnessing her demise.


Erso would thereafter inherit Maia's synthskin gloves. After returning to Gerrera's base in the Catacombs of Cadera shortly after the Battle on Jedha, Jyn asked a female Partisan if Maia was still alive before remembering that she had been present for Maia's died.

Personality and traits

Maia was a human female with a slender body and a quieter disposition. She was very skilled with blasters and had exceptional aim. She was friendly with many of the other regulars on Wrea and would drink and swap war stories as well as jokes with the group. Jyn Erso looked up to Maia and tried to learn what she could from her. Maia was friendly to Erso and affectionately called her "little one." She recognized that Gerrera cared deeply for her and on one occasion, comforted Erso by telling her that sometimes she thought that Erso was all that Gerrera cared about.


















