MVR-3 speeder bike

This speeder bike was manufactured by Incom Corporation while its hydrodynamic adaptor kits were developed by the Xi Char for the Trade Federation, to compensate design flaws in the Manta droid subfighter. An aquatic variant of the vehicle saw action during the Battle of Mon Calamari.

The MVR-3's design, including the extended tail and curve up bow were remarkably similar to the Razalon FC-20 speeder bike, made famous by Darth Maul, and the Flitknot speeder manufactured by Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective.


  • The Art of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  • Arms & Equipment Guide
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The New Essential Guide to Droids



