
The MAS-2xB was ovoid in shape with its small command cabin beneath the rest of the vehicle. The mass of the weapon was so great that it relied on seven repulsorlift drives. The vehicle also had slow acceleration and virtually no maneuverability. The MAS-2xB's maximum altitude was fifty meters and its top speed was forty-five kilometers an hour. The MAS-2xB was twice the size of an AT-AT walker.

The weapon required a crew of fifteen soldiers to operate, including six technicians and engineers who maintained the Republic Engineering Corporation 4.2FC fusion power core and repulsorlift drive systems since they vulnerable to frequent power surges and breakdowns. The MAS-2xB required sixteen energy dampers to prevent power overloads and about half of these had to be replaced after seeing combat. MAS-2xBs also required special docking platforms to allow maintenance and repair.


MAS-2xB schematics.

MAS-2xB schematics.

The MAS-2xB's main weapon was a mounted turbolaser pulsor capable of destroying the most advanced and sophisticated defense systems. These vehicles could also be deployed against military fortifications, troop bases, transportation centers, and even capital ships orbiting at low altitudes. The MAS-2xB was powered by an immense Republic Engineering Corporation 4.2FC fusion power core.

The turbolaser pulsor used an amplification dish around the turbolaser actuator to focus its energy beam, which had a range stretching from ten to thirty kilometers and could blast through nearly twenty meters of durasteel. The pulsor's output matched the power of a Star Destroyer's turbolaser. However, the power demand meant that pulsor could fire only once every minute. The pulsor also produced a deafening roar when firing. To prevent critical meltdowns in combat, four rows of cooling chambers fitted with cryogenic cylinders surrounded the power core, energy capacitors and the pulsor.

The MAS-2xB was also defended against enemy vehicles by two twin-turbolaser turrets and a quad heavy laser cannon mounted on the command cabin. It was protected by armor plating two meters thick and six shield generators.

Operational history

The MAS-2xB was was a descendent of older turbolaser-based weapons including the Speizoc Arms C-136 "Grandfather Gun", and Loronar's Turbolaser System I. This mobile turbolaser-mounted vehicle was commissioned for use by the New Republic's military forces. A single unit also cost nearly one million credits. Thus, the New Republic only maintained a few thousand of these vehicles and deployed them only in strategic battles.


  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology



