M'Kae's journal

During his service in on Naboo's moon Rori, the Imperial officer M'Kae kept a journal. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, an agent of the Rebel Alliance working for Wolff Kalos attacked an Imperial Base on Rori in order to steal M'Kae's journal and find sensitive information about a wanted smuggler by the name Cal Handro.

Behind the scenes

M'Kae's journal appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. M'Kae's journal appeared during the fourth chapter of the "Secrets of the Syren" questline, released with the "Publish 21," on August 4, 2005. The "Secrets of the Syren" story arc was removed from the game with the "Chapter 1," published on June 8, 2006, due to the major changes planed for Rori with the introduction of the Battle of Restuss.



