Lux Bonteri's stepdaughter

The stepdaughter of Lux Bonteri was a female individual who was the daughter of Bonteri's wife. She eventually became a loyal member of the Galactic Empire. After Bonteri had joined the Partisans, he contacted his stepdaughter asking her for specific times and locations for places where he could hand himself in to the Empire. She compiled a list of events where Bonteri could turn himself in to moderate Imperial authorities who could be trusted to honor his defection without torturing or killing him. Instead of turning himself in, however, Lux joined Stavens Dreamers, and the insurgents used the information as targets for attacks.

When Imperial Captain Iden Versio of Inferno Squad confronted Bonteri, she asked him if he ever thought about turning himself in to the Empire. Lux replied that indeed he had, but he knew the Empire would eventually trace the source of his information to his stepdaughter and torture and/or kill her. He could not bear the thought of them hurting her, as he loved her very much, so he did not turn himself in.


  • Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  • Star Wars: Timelines






