Luke vs. the Death Star - X-wing Assault

Plot summary

During the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker flies his T-65B X-wing starfighter in formation with other rebel X-wings. Via comlink, General Jan Dodonna tells the rebel pilots that a precise hit should destroy the Death Star. Another officer warns them to watch out for enemy TIE fighters. A dogfight ensues and explosions rock the space around Luke's fighter.

Luke's X-wing dodges a turbolaser emplacement. The narrator says to take on the Death Star, Luke Skywalker must trust his instincts. Luke flies his X-wing down the Meridian trench with another X-wing. They are pursued by three TIE fighters. The other X-wing is destroyed. Amidst the explosions, Darth Vader closes in on Luke in his TIE Advanced x1 fighter.

Luke tells R2-D2 to try and decrease the power but the astromech droid is hit by laser fire. In this difficult moment, Luke hears Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to use the Force. Luke decides to switch off his targeting computer to the surprise of the rebel ground control team as the cameras fade out.







