Lothal's government


During the Clone Wars, Lothal's government was a constituent political entity in the Galactic Republic, petitioned the Galactic Senate for aid after droughts and plagues destroyed many livestock and crops on Lothal. The Senate, viewing that the war effort was more important, rejected Lothal's pleas and central government did not assist.

After the Galactic Empire supplanted the Republic, Lothal government, now part of the Empire, petitioned once more for aid. The Empire was interested in Lothal as it seemed to be a great location for an outpost, and so a survey team was dispatched and, at first, discovered nothing of value except vast crops. As the survey team further investigated however, they discovered extensive starship-building materials beneath the surface. Within a week of the discovery, mining facilities and droid factories were dispatched, along with an Imperial garrison, and the planetary government sought to maintain sovereignty.

In the years after the Galactic Civil War, Lothal's government became a signatory of the New Republic.




