Lorca Oviedo

Lorca Oviedo was a Human who served the Galactic Republic as the director of Oviedo Engineering, a corporation that built military weaponry, holding the title of Director General. Around 21 BBY, the director allied himself with the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Republic's opponent in the Clone Wars. As the Republic Senate's members believed the Director General was a Separatist, he and Separatist Foreman Wat Tambor prepared an assassination attempt on the director in an attempt to establish that Oviedo was not a Separatist.

After a conference on the astronomical object Aviles Prime, a group of Republic clone commandos was tasked with escorting Oviedo's cruiser to the Republic capital planet Coruscant; however, while traveling to Coruscant, the Director General executed his crew and brought his vessel out of hyperspace as Separatist warships shot down the Republic vessels.

After the cruiser and its escort crashed on the Expansion Region moon Asturias, Oviedo spoke with Tambor via hologram. Several clones who had survived the crash located the director and Tambor commanded his forces to leave no witnesses. The commandos captured the Director General and escaped Asturias with Oviedo's cruiser, bringing him to Coruscant, where he died of respiratory failure.

A traitorous plot

A Human, Lorca Oviedo was the Director General of the military weaponry manufacturer Oviedo Engineering. Around 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Galactic Republic, Oviedo served the latter government. After he allied himself with the Confederacy, rumors of his questionable loyalty circulated in the Republic Senate. As the Senate prepared to pass a rearmament mandate, Separatist Skakoan Foreman Wat Tambor and Oviedo designed a plot to establish that the Director General was loyal to the Republic by executing a Separatist assassination attempt on Oviedo in an attempt to prompt the Senate to task Oviedo Engineering with equipping the Republic's Grand Army with vehicles and munitions. Tambor sought to use that task to extrapolate the Republic's military strength and deployment patterns.

Director General Lorca Oviedo speaks with Foreman Wat Tambor.

Director General Lorca Oviedo speaks with Foreman Wat Tambor.

After attending a conference on the Expansion Region astronomical object Aviles Prime, Oviedo traveled aboard a Republic Consular-class cruiser with an escort of clone commandos and their two CR25 troop carriers to the Republic's Core Worlds capital planet Coruscant. While traveling to Coruscant, Oviedo's crew was executed and his vessel dropped out of hyperspace as a Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship and its squadrons of Vulture droids attacked the Republic cruiser and the clone commandos' troop carriers.

The Separatist forces' attack destroyed one of the troop carriers and sent the remaining Republic vessels crashing down to the Expansion Region moon of Asturias. Oviedo survived the crash and, surrounded by B1-Series battle droids, left his ship and spoke with Tambor, to Oviedo's dismay, via hologram while the clones that had survived the crash discovered that the Director General's crew had been executed after boarding the Consular cruiser.

No survivors

The foreman remarked that after one or two days, the Republic would rescue Oviedo and the Senate's suspicions regarding the Director General's loyalty would disappear, allowing the government to pass the rearmament mandate. While Oviedo expressed that he was uneasy about their plot, as he believed that the Republic Army's Jedi commanders would not be fooled so easily, the clones attacked the Director General's battle droid forces. As the commandos captured Oviedo, Tambor commanded the droids to leave no survivors and kill Oviedo should there be the slightest possibility of the clones fleeing Asturias.

Director General Lorca Oviedo was shocked when he realized that the Separatists sought to murder him.

Director General Lorca Oviedo was shocked when he realized that the Separatists sought to murder him.

While the clones and the Director General walked to Oviedo's cruiser, Oviedo offered to employ them as his bodyguards, promising that they could benefit from his patronage; however, the clones declined the director's offer, as they had already seen how he treated those loyal to him. Once the group arrived at the Consular's location, Separatist droidekas fired at the clones. Several clones died to the attackers' laserfire, but two—RC-1080 and Zag—survived the attack, bringing Oviedo to his cruiser. Faced by B1s that sought to murder him, Oviedo was shocked when they attacked him before they were destroyed by the clones. The group then boarded the Consular and left Asturias, bringing the traitorous Director General to Coruscant. Before he could be interrogated, Oviedo died of respiratory failure on Coruscant.

Zag later recounted the events on Asturias to Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu in Coruscant's Jedi Temple. The clone believed that if the Director General claimed that the commando's report was false, that he could be condemning himself, prompting Yoda to tell him that Oviedo had died of respiratory failure.

Personality and traits

Lorca Oviedo believed that the members of his clone commando escort were nothing but killing machines, who would not be remembered after their death, offering to employ them as his bodyguards so that they could become "individuals" and live their own lives. He attempted to manipulate them into not following their orders to bring him to Coruscant by remarking that he possessed wealth and influence. Oviedo characterized the Republic's clone troopers as "motherless, vat-grown killers." Foreman Tambor characterized Oviedo as "illustrious." The Director General had light gray hair, light skin, blue eyes, and a graying beard.

Skills and abilities

Lorca Oviedo could not keep up with the clones' walking speed.


Oviedo wore some purple and green clothing covered by a cloak attached to his clothing with a golden connector.

Behind the scenes

Director General Lorca Oviedo first appeared in the flashbacks of the short story "Honor Bound," which was published by Dark Horse Comics on February 23, 2005 as part of the twenty-second issue of the Star Wars Tales series. The issue was written by Ian Edginton and illustrated by Steve Pugh. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, erroneously states that Oviedo was arrested on conspiracy charges after faking his death and plotting to sell rigged weaponry to Tambor and the Separatists. Oviedo shares his last name with Oviedo, the capital city of the Spanish region of Asturias.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



