
Before its removal from the game, Lord Lokar introduced the mission "Advanced Training: Sith Warrior" for Sith Warrior players who had just completed the planet Korriban in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He could be found both on Vaiken Spacedock and in the Sith Sanctum on Dromund Kaas, where he directed players to their Advanced Class trainer, Lord Krimyn.

Behind the scenes

Before its removal from the game, Lord Lokar introduced the mission "Advanced Training: Sith Warrior" for Sith Warrior players who had just completed the planet Korriban in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He could be found both on Vaiken Spacedock and in the Sith Sanctum on Dromund Kaas, where he directed players to their Advanced Class trainer, Lord Krimyn.



