Livien Magnus

A few weeks later, a Republic fleet attacked Malgus' ships in orbit of Ord Radama, in an attempt to drive the Sith from the planet. During the engagement, a stricken Sith Harrower-class Dreadnaught plummeted into the atmosphere of Ord Radama and crashed into the center of Ord Radama, destroying Livien Magnus and killing one hundred thousand of the city's residents. The Sith subsequently abandoned Ord Radama and the city New Raido replaced Livien Magnus as the world's capital.

By 2 BBY, Livien Magnus was rebuilt and Rialla Way was by then a major thoroughfare of the city. It was bombarded by Malau Jocaos in an attempt to turn Var Narek to the Imperial cause, with the bombing blamed on the Rebel Alliance.

Behind the scenes

Livien Magnus was created by Daniel Wallace and featured in the 2012 publication Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side. Wallace intended the city to be a reference to the Livien League, a pre-Republic empire that was ruled by the warlord Xim.


  • Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side



