Little Kikow

Little Kikow was a male Ralltiir tiger that lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.

The Ithorian Vareesa Enan traveled to the planet Ralltiir during the last years of the Galactic Republic, where the Wookiee Furellas would purchase him a Ralltiir tiger cub while escorting the off-worlder through an open-air market. Vareesa was very pleased with the creature and, at Furellas' suggestion, named it "Little Kikow" after his other escort, Kikow—despite his fellow Ithorian's insistence that he didn't want the tiger to be named after him.

When the time came for Vareesa to depart Ralltiir, Furellas filled out paperwork that would allow the Ithorian to take his new pet aboard a starship. Citing the rarity of Ralltiir tigers, Furellas registered the cub as a different type of cat and warned Vareesa not to disclose much information about the creature, lest someone try to steal it. In reality, "Little Kikow" would quickly grow into a vicious killer, as Ralltiir tigers were dangerous even to their own handlers—a fact Furellas kept Vareesa innocent of, in her role as a Kalmec subversive.


The Ithorian Vareesa Enan traveled to the planet Ralltiir during the last years of the Galactic Republic, where the Wookiee Furellas would purchase him a Ralltiir tiger cub while escorting the off-worlder through an open-air market. Vareesa was very pleased with the creature and, at Furellas' suggestion, named it "Little Kikow" after his other escort, Kikow—despite his fellow Ithorian's insistence that he didn't want the tiger to be named after him.

When the time came for Vareesa to depart Ralltiir, Furellas filled out paperwork that would allow the Ithorian to take his new pet aboard a starship. Citing the rarity of Ralltiir tigers, Furellas registered the cub as a different type of cat and warned Vareesa not to disclose much information about the creature, lest someone try to steal it. In reality, "Little Kikow" would quickly grow into a vicious killer, as Ralltiir tigers were dangerous even to their own handlers—a fact Furellas kept Vareesa innocent of, in her role as a Kalmec subversive.
