Lioaoin skirmish

The Lioaoin skirmish was an attack launched by the Chiss Ascendancy on the heartworld of the Lioaoin Regime. The attack was in response to a Lioaoin attack against the Chiss warship Vigilant at Primea, which had been orchestrated by General Yiv of the Nikardun Destiny.

Upon arrival at the heartworld, the Vigilant and Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo's Springhawk were confronted by twelve Lioaoin warships, four of which directly attacked the Chiss vessels. The Vigilant deployed two decoy shuttles, one hidden behind the other, toward the Lioaoin, a tactic that Thrawn had previously used against the Nikardun. The Lioaoin recognized the tactic and prevented the Vigilant from remotely controlling the shuttle; however, Thrawn had intended for them to do so, firing at the shuttle and releasing the breacher missiles hidden within it. The acid from the missiles damaged the hulls of the Lioaoin vessels, and the Vigilant destroyed the second shuttle, similarly releasing breaching missiles into the Lioaoin. The Lioaoin refused to concede, and the four damaged ships fell back, replaced by two more. The Chiss were ultimately victorious, though not without damage to their own vessels.

The Lioaoin skirmish appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn.

Behind the scenes

The Lioaoin skirmish appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn.






