Lightstealth-18 Reconnaissance Ship

Unlike most ships designed by Raith Sienar, Imperial Section 19 or Warthan's Wizards during the days of the Galactic Empire, the LSR was not cloaked, but was instead built for silent running and incredible speed. With an abundance low-profile rectennae and packed with signal augmented sensor jammers, blind-band hypercomm transmitters, crystal gravfield traps, and a power core more suitable to a ship of the line, the LSR could all but see the universe to its own aft and could outrun nearly anything that could locate it. It has a class 1 hyper drive. It also had a forward mounted laser cannon for defense.

Though the LightStealth-18 Reconnaissance ship was designed by Raith Sienar, it was oddly produced, for the most part, by Kuat Drive Yards.



