Leh'ahnyo Vas' unit

At that time, a squadron of LAAT/i gunships arrived from over the nearby mountain pass and Leh'ahnyo Vas' master leapt into a sea of battle droids. At least one member, Drak, was equipped with white clone trooper armor with bold red lines on his helmet and used a heavy blaster rifle.

The unit of Leh'ahnyo Vas was mentioned in Rise of the Separatists, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.

Behind the scenes

The unit of Leh'ahnyo Vas was mentioned in Rise of the Separatists, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.


  • Rise of the Separatists
