Laser beams


Rael's Haulcraft deploying its laser beam countermeasures

Rael's Haulcraft deploying its laser beam countermeasures

A laser beam utilized a high-powered projector to deploy a short-range sustained and stable laser bolt similar in behavior to a lightsaber, which would slice through anything it came in contact with instantly destroying it in the process. Luthen Rael had equipped two of these devices in his modified Fondor Haulcraft, one on the port and one on the starboard side: to deploy them, the craft folded its wings parallel to its body and retracted the laser beam projectors from within their storage positions to activate the beams. The weapons took relatively long to charge, making them unsuitable for fast-paced combat and forcing Rael to buy his time by allowing himself to be captured by an Imperial patrol before using them to escape.




