
Lar was an orange star located in the Mid Rim's D'Aelgoth sector. It was closely orbited by the tropical planet Mima II. Lar's gravitational influence on Mima II caused the planet's tectonic plates to be drawn across its surface in various directions, resulting in the constant creation of new geological features there.

The electromagnetic radiation emitted by Lar also had the effect of abundant plant and animal life emerging on Mima II, which featured vast jungles. The Bilars, a primate species indigenous to the planet's jungles, had no need to shield themselves from Lar due to their native habitat offering protection from exposure to Lar's radiation.

Gravitational influence

Lar was located in the D'Aelgoth sector of the Mid Rim.

Lar was located in the D'Aelgoth sector of the Mid Rim.

Lar was an orange type K main sequence star located in the Lar system, a part of the D'Aelgoth sector in the Western Reaches portion of the Mid Rim. The second orbital position around the star was occupied by the small, terrestrial planet Mima II, which was located close to Lar and completed an orbit around it in just 103 standard days. The planet itself was circled by at least two moons.

Due to the proximity of Mima II to Lar and the gravitational influence of the latter on the former, Mima II's tectonic plates were drawn across the planet's surface, similarly to some moons drawing tides across the oceans on other planets. Depending on Mima II's position relative to Lar, the tectonic plates were pulled in various directions, and new land masses, mountain ranges, volcanoes, and seas were being constantly created as a result.

Effect on life

The jungles of Mima II offered the sentient Bilars protection from exposure to Lar.

The jungles of Mima II offered the sentient Bilars protection from exposure to Lar.

The high geological activity of Mima II released abundant amounts of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and other substances vital for the development of living organisms. The intense electromagnetic radiation emitted by Lar transformed these chemical elements into a variety of organic molecules, which led to an abundance of plant and animal life on the planet.

An extremely warm, tropical world, Mima II's surface featured expansive, lush jungles that were inhabited by the Bilars, a species of sentient, herbivorous primates. Due to the Bilars living their whole lives in the shade of their homeworld's jungles, they had no need to shield themselves from direct exposure to Lar's radiation. That fact, combined with the high temperatures of their native environment, resulted in the Bilars' skin being pink and completely hairless.


The sentientologist Obo Rin mentioned Lar when detailing Mima II and its native Bilars in the Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy, a work in which he described those sentient species he considered to be the most important in the galaxy and of the most interest to the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

Lar was introduced in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.

Lar was introduced in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.

Lar was first mentioned in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, a 1989 sourcebook authored by Troy Denning for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a 1990 roleplaying game source article published in Voyages SF 13, placed the Lar system, and therefore the star Lar, in the "Imperial Core" sector. Since that article was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never confirmed. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas subsequently placed the Lar system in grid square L-17, relatively far from the galaxy's Core Worlds, and the Online Companion to the book further overrode the Voyages SF 13 placement by establishing that the system was situated in the D'Aelgoth sector.

The 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia claims that the tectonic activity on Mima II was caused by a nearby planet named Lar, which contradicts the first edition and the 1994 second edition of Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, both of which state that it was the star Lar that exerted its gravitational influence on Mima II. This article assumes that Star Wars Encyclopedia is in error.

