Lammas Tree Bite

Lammas Tree Bites were a savory vegetarian dish consisting of the sprouting saplings of the lammas tree found on the Mid Rim planet Haruun Kal. Most of the world's forests were destroyed during the Imperial bombardment of Haruun Kal, but some lammas had begun to grow again by the time the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs visited the world during a culinary tour of the galaxy that he took between 34 ABY and 35 ABY.

Although he did not want to delay the recovery of Haruun Kal's ecosystem, Tuggs felt that the saplings were too toasty and tasty to pass up and so took a few, confident that it would not make a difference. He then included a recipe for Lammas Tree Bites in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, which was published in 35 ABY.

Lammas Tree Bites were created as a recipe for the 2023 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a recipe book written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe for the dish makes use of baby cauliflower, olive oil, lemon zest, a minced garlic clove, Parmesan cheese, parsley, kosher salt, and black pepper.

Behind the scenes

Lammas Tree Bites were created as a recipe for the 2023 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a recipe book written by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe for the dish makes use of baby cauliflower, olive oil, lemon zest, a minced garlic clove, Parmesan cheese, parsley, kosher salt, and black pepper.


  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook
