Lahara sector Imperial governor

In each source in which this character is referenced, the character is only referred to ambiguously as the Imperial governor of the sector in which Gandolo IV is located. The 2009 release of The Essential Atlas confirms Gandolo IV to be located in the Lahara sector, and so this article asserts that this character is the Imperial governor of the Lahara sector.

The 1998 PC game Star Wars: Rebellion places Gandolo IV in the Moddell sector, which has since been overridden by The Essential Atlas and its related online content on Therefore, this character should not be mistaken as the Imperial governor of the Moddell sector.

Behind the scenes

In each source in which this character is referenced, the character is only referred to ambiguously as the Imperial governor of the sector in which Gandolo IV is located. The 2009 release of The Essential Atlas confirms Gandolo IV to be located in the Lahara sector, and so this article asserts that this character is the Imperial governor of the Lahara sector.

The 1998 PC game Star Wars: Rebellion places Gandolo IV in the Moddell sector, which has since been overridden by The Essential Atlas and its related online content on Therefore, this character should not be mistaken as the Imperial governor of the Moddell sector.
