LJ-40 concussion carbine


Production model LJ-40s blaster carbines had a shortened barrel and a folding skeleton stock. They were light weight, easy to use and highly destructive, but suffered from short range and poor long-range accuracy. It was capable of knocking down or concussing foes and needed to be reloaded every three shots. Each carbine cost 2,500 credits and their purchase was restricted to military use.


LJ-40 concussion carbines originated as a modification of Arakyd Industries' LJ-50 concussion rifle, after a squad serving in the 92nd Coruscant Engineers accidentally received a shipment of LJ-50s. The squad's cut the blaster rifles down in to carbines as a field-expedient modification after seeing the rifles' potential for breaching walls and scattering enemy forces. The carbines were undeniably effective at these tasks and impressed the squad's .

Arakyd Industries eventually learned of the successful modification and immediately put the LJ-40 into production to sell alongside the popular LJ-50. The weapon proved popular with engineers and vehicle crews due to its lightweight, ease of use and destructive capabilities. The weapon's short range did not diminish its usefulness to these customers, as most military engineers generally engaged enemies at short ranges. The LJ-40 was used by engineers from both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

LJ-40 concussion carbines were first mentioned in Fully Operational, a 2018 supplement to Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Age of Rebellion game.


  • Fully Operational
  • Gadgets and Gear
