LEGO Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2


The player is given control of one of four characters, Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the game. The player can make their character jump, use Force Push, and use a variety of attacks with a lightsaber. A player's character is given three lives and a meter in the upper-left corner to display remaining health. Health is lost from enemy attacks or deadly obstacles. It can be restored at certain locations in the game. Players collect crystals placed throughout the game for points. Yellow crystals are worth two points each and red crystals are worth five. Blue crystals are awarded when enemies are defeated. At the end of a level, the player is given a final score determined by how many lives they have left, how many crystals were gathered, and how fast the level was completed. Platinum 2x2 bricks, similar to the red bricks in the LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga videogames, can be collected in some levels. They can be used to upgrade the player's stamina and abilities, such as their health, jumping ability, and the amount of damage that their lightsaber(s) deal.


Screenshot of the game

Screenshot of the game

The training level for the game starts with Anakin Skywalker onboard an enemy starship. Skywalker fights through battle droids and avoid lethal security lasers to reach the end of the ship. Once there, he destroys a transmission terminal and escapes.

Cheat Codes

If the game is paused, a side menu will appear, and there will also appear a slot indicating 'Enter Cheat Code'. Currently, there are 8 cheats known.

  • "REDSABER" changes the color of a Jedi lightsaber to red.
  • 'DUALSABER' enables the Jedi to have two lightsabers, and can be used in conjunction with 'redsaber'.
  • 'GREENSABER' changes the color of a Sith's lightsaber to green.
  • 'TRIPLEJUMP' enables the player to continuously jump three times in the air.
  • 'DARKFORCE' gives the Sith double strength.
  • 'CLONEHELMET' enables you have a clone helmet on the character's head.
  • 'REDCLONEHELMET' causes characters to don Commander Fox's helmet.
  • 'BIGHEADS' enables clones and droids to have big heads.
  • 'WINGS' enables character to jump an infinite amount of times.






